April 2015 Fiscal Highlights

Home | April 2015 Fiscal Highlights

May 29, 2015
Joint Legislative Budget Committee

The JLBC Staff reports monthly to the Legislature on the status of General Fund revenue collections and other fiscal issues. See the full report here. Among the key points of the document:

  • April General Fund revenue totaled $1.05 billion, which was a 23.4% increase above April 2014. April collections were $145.4 million above the enacted budget forecast.
  • Sales Tax collections of $373.0 million were 4.0% above April of last year and $3.8 million above the forecast for the month. Year to date, collections have increased by 4.2% and are $25.6 million above forecast.
  • Individual Income Tax net revenues were $543.3 million in April, which was 37.7% more than the prior year. Collections were $118.7 million above the forecast for the month.
  • Corporate Income Tax net collections were $83.2 million in April, which was (5.6)% less than April 2014. Collections for the month were $6.8 million above the enacted forecast.

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